Faithful Footprints: Discovering God’s Provision

Hello Parents!

This week, we'll discover how the world around us holds beautiful lessons that can teach us about God's love and truths.

Read Matthew 6:26 (NLT): “Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?”


Just as Jesus used stories to teach important lessons, nature can also tell us about God's character and care. Think about the birds. They don't plant seeds or gather food in barns, yet God provides for them. How much more does He care for us, His children?


- Talk about times when you've seen birds outside. What do they do? How do they find food and build nests?

- Discuss ways God provides for your family's needs. It could be through food, shelter, or even the love you share.

- Reflect on times when you might have worried about something. How can remembering God's care for the birds help you trust Him more?

Activity: Bird's Nest Building

Create your own bird's nest using natural materials like twigs, leaves, and grass. You can also use craft supplies like yarn and paper. As you build the nest together, talk about how God cares for the birds and how He cares for each of you too. Place the nest in a special spot as a reminder of God's love and provision.


"Dear God, thank You for taking care of us just like You take care of the birds. Help us trust Your love and know that You provide for everything we need. In Jesus' name, Amen."


Take a family walk outside and observe the birds. Notice their behaviors, nests, and songs. Whenever you see a bird, remind each other of God's care and the lessons we've learned today.



Family Ventures: Lake Day


Family Ventures: Backyard Camping