About us

Welcome to Camp ELI, a Christian camp that encourages youth to Explore the outdoors in a community that Loves God and Inspires hope. Camp ELI was established in January of 2023 and began running camps this past summer. The best part? We also support many differently abled and special needs children who have lower support needs. We are committed to expanding our resources to better accommodate a wider range of needs in the future.

How are we different? Camp ELI is designed to give children practical skills they can bring home! Not only do we have fun, but we teach them how to steward what the Lord has given us well and safely. Skills include Leave No Trace, fire building, shelter making, simple first aid, making camp food, and more. Check out our summer camp program to learn more.

What People Are Saying

“Josiah had a wonderful time!! Can’t wait until the next camp!!"

— Selena (Parent)

“Made the coolest cross sun catchers today thanks to my camp on the go box!! Thank you”

— Reagan (1st Grade Teacher)

Start their adventure today.