Faithful Footprints: Teaching Kids the Calming Power of Jesus

Hello, wonderful parents! Are you ready to embark on a faith-filled journey with your amazing kids? Today, we're diving into a captivating story about Jesus calming the stormy sea. Along the way, we'll learn how to create a simple paper boat craft that'll remind your children of Jesus' comforting presence during life's storms. So, gather your young adventurers, and let's start this exciting journey together!

**The Story of Jesus Calming the Storm:**

Once upon a time, in a boat on the deep blue sea, Jesus and His friends sailed along. Suddenly, a fierce storm brewed, and the waves danced wildly. But wait, where was Jesus? He was taking a peaceful nap at the back of the boat! His friends woke Him up, shouting, "Jesus, help us! We're scared of the storm!"

With a gentle smile, Jesus stood up, and just like a captain, He spoke to the wind and the waves, saying, "Peace, be still!" And in an instant, the stormy sea transformed into a calm and tranquil one. Jesus' friends stared in awe, realizing that Jesus had the power to calm not only the sea but also their hearts.

**What Your Kids Can Learn:**

1. Trusting Through Storms: When life gets stormy and challenging, we can trust Jesus to guide us through. Just like His friends trusted Him in the boat, we can trust Him with our worries and fears.

2. Jesus Is Our Peace: Just as Jesus brought calm to the storm, He can bring peace to our lives. When your children feel worried or uncertain, remind them that Jesus is with them, and His presence can make everything feel better.

3. Faith Over Fear: Teach your children that having faith in Jesus is like holding onto a sturdy anchor during life's storms. It keeps us steady and gives us hope even when things seem uncertain.

**Crafting a Paper Boat:**

Now, let's dive into a creative paper boat craft that'll remind your children of the calming power of Jesus.

**Materials Needed:**

- A square piece of paper (any color)

- Scissors (to be used with adult supervision)

- Markers, crayons, or stickers (optional, for decorating)


1. Begin with the square piece of paper.

2. Fold the paper in half diagonally to form a triangle.

3. Unfold the triangle and fold it the other way to create a second triangle.

4. Open up the paper and fold each corner towards the center to create smaller triangles.

5. Flip the paper over and fold the bottom edge upwards to meet the top edge, making a rectangle.

6. Unfold the rectangle slightly and push the two sides towards the center to form a boat shape.

7. Your paper boat is ready! Decorate it with colors, drawings, or stickers to make it special.

**Setting Sail with Faith:**

As you and your children create your paper boats, talk about how the boat reminds you of the story of Jesus calming the storm. Just like He brought peace to the sea, He brings peace to our hearts too.


Congratulations, parents, on leading your children on a faith-filled adventure! We hope you enjoyed sharing the story of Jesus calming the storm and creating paper boats together. As your children play with their paper boats, encourage them to remember that Jesus is always with them, ready to calm any "storms" that come their way.

With faith and love,

The Camp ELI Team


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