Hi Camp ELI Families!

As we enter the season of giving, let's embark on a journey of kindness and generosity as a family. Throughout December, we will focus on simple acts of service, teaching our children the joy that comes from giving to others.

Each night before bed, pray for God to reveal on their hearts acts of kindness that they could show friends, family, or community members.

“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God” - Hebrews 13:16

Week 1: December 1-7

1. December 1: Send a Kind Note

  • Today, write a note of encouragement or appreciation and leave it for someone to find.

2. December 2: Offer a Helping Hand

  • Assist a family member or neighbor with a small task or chore without being asked.

3. December 3: Share a Treat

  • Bake or buy a treat and deliver it to a friend or a local community worker (mail carrier, garbage collector).

4. December 4: Thank You Cards for Teachers

  • Have the kids make thank-you cards for their teachers, expressing gratitude for their hard work.

5. December 5: Compliment Day

  • Encourage the family to give genuine compliments to at least three people today.

6. December 6: Donate Unused Toys

  • Collect toys that are no longer needed and donate them to a local charity or children's hospital.

7. December 7: Family Movie Night for a Cause

  • Have a family movie night but ask each family member to contribute a small amount to donate to a chosen charity.

Week 2: December 8-14

8. December 8: Help with Household Chores

  • Let each family member choose a household chore they don't normally do and complete it.

9. December 9: Make Care Packages

  • Prepare care packages with non-perishable snacks and essentials, then deliver them to a local homeless shelter.

10. December 10: Shovel Snow

  • If it snows, surprise a neighbor by shoveling their driveway or sidewalk.

11. December 11: Create Christmas Cards for Seniors

  • Make festive Christmas cards and deliver them to a local senior center.

12. December 12: Donate to a Food Bank

  • Go through your pantry and donate non-perishable items to a local food bank.

13. December 13: Surprise Your Mail Carrier

  • Leave a small treat or thank-you note in the mailbox for your mail carrier.

14. December 14: Virtual Visit

  • Schedule a virtual visit with a family member or friend who may be feeling lonely during the holidays.

Week 3: December 15-21

15. December 15: Grocery Store Surprise

  • Leave a small note or treat on a grocery store shelf for someone to find.

16. December 16: Kindness Rocks

  • Paint rocks with uplifting messages and leave them in a local park for others to discover.

17. December 17: Share a Book

  • Donate gently used books to a local library or children's hospital.

18. December 18: Craft Day for a Cause

  • Spend the day making simple crafts to sell, then donate the proceeds to a charity.

19. December 19: Pet Love

  • Offer to walk a neighbor's dog or volunteer at a local animal shelter.

20. December 20: Support Local Business

  • Buy a small item from a local business or restaurant to support your community.

21. December 21: Gratitude Jar

  • Create a gratitude jar as a family and write down things you're thankful for. Share these during dinner.

Week 4: December 22-25

22. December 22: Gift of Time

  • Spend quality time with a family member doing an activity they love.

23. December 23: Nature Walk Cleanup

  • Take a nature walk, picking up litter along the way to keep your environment clean.

24. December 24: Christmas Eve Kindness

  • Leave a note for Santa expressing gratitude and kindness. Include a treat for him and his reindeer.

25. December 25: Christmas Day Giving

  • Encourage each family member to choose a toy or item they received and donate it to a child in need.

May this month of giving fill your hearts with joy and gratitude. As we serve others, let us remember the true spirit of the season. May your family be blessed with love, kindness, and a deep appreciation for the gift of giving.


Camp ELI


UPDATE: Camp ELI is Expanding!
